
Showing posts from July, 2013

Hep C Thrush Treatment

Hep C Thrush Treatment for Dry Mouth and Sores is the Miracle Mouth Wash. Eating soft, bland foods helps, but if you have metallic taste, lemon water and popsicles may taste better. Mouth sores make it hard to eat while on hep c treatment Hepatitis C Treatment is an anti-viral treatment, but some of the side effects are a lot like chemotherapy. The powerful drugs target the Hep C Virus, but like chemotherapy, they also cause problems in other parts of your body. You know about the side effects of nausea, hair loss, fever, aches and pains. Another area that you may experience side effects is in your mouth. I have covered teeth and gum problems, but the Thrush, dry mouth, and canker sores get a blog all of their own. You are probably wondering if I had every side effect. Yes I think I did . At the time I had to wonder why. But now that I have survived, I think that maybe it was so that I could pass on my handy dandy Hep C Tools to my Best Friends. Some of the sym...

A Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis

A Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis I have a lesson plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis Most teachers enjoy the lazy days of summer. I am no exception. However, lesson plans do get spruced up during my summer break. It makes for a more interesting school day for me to present the same material in a new way when fall comes. As a result, my students benefit from my efforts because the delivery is a bit more passionate when I add new material or take away something that is less effective . Life is like that. Everything is a lesson if we allow it to be. It does not matter if it is old information from a different perspective or new information seen from a creative viewpoint. That is true no matter who is doing the learning. We are all lifelong learners, aren’t we?    Let's look at a Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis.   I can promise it will not be too boring. I hate boring school lessons. To be honest, I was a good student and loved ...
Sex and Hepatitis C Let’s talk about sex and Hepatitis C.   I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma which some consider to be the buckle on the Bible Belt. Sex is a delicate topic anyway, but we have got to talk about everything that has an effect on our life with Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis. I think we are all a bit shy about discussing sexual matters with anyone, especially a perfect stranger. I am not a stranger. We are best friends in this battle and we need to be absolutely honest about everything that we encounter. For most of us, whether we talk about it or not, sex is a natural part of our daily lives. So BFF, this is just between us. We have got to get rid of the fear of   having sex with Hepatitis C. Let’s dispel some of the myths surrounding the risk of sexual transmission with HCV. You know me. We are going to cover it all. You are probably wondering if the virus can be passed through sexual contact. I was.   After my diagnosis, I did NOT want to talk to my d...
How Long Does it Take with Hepatitis C Treatment  How Long Does it Take with Hepatitis C Treatment - Sometimes while you are on treatment, it feels like you are a little kid in the back seat of the car on a very long trip. You cannot see out of the window without sitting on your feet. You are squashed up with your brothers or sisters. If you are like me, you had to go the bathroom. Some of those trips were to special places like the lake, grandma and grandpa’s house, shopping at TG&Y, or to the park. Car trips take forever when you are young. It seems like Hepatitis C Treatment goes on forever too, doesn’t it? You may feel trapped in the back seat of a very long car trip. It can be downright frustrating. Sometimes you just want to climb out of the window. Impatience grows with every mile. But you are stuck. And probably asking a lot of questions. You deserve some answers, but they do not always come as quickly as you would like. These 5 little words, How L...
  Starting Hepatitis C Treatment Two years ago this week I was starting Hepatitis C Treatment. July 15 to be exact. The Protease Inhibitors had just been released. At that time, there was a lot of uncertainty about their use for those with cirrhosis. I was scared and thrilled. I have talked to you a lot about what to expect while sharing my experiences. Now that a year has passed since my treatment is over - and the drugs are out of my system, I am able to put it in perspective with much more mental clarity. If I were starting Hepatitis C Treatment this week, what would I most need to hear? I am going to pretend that you are with me now. Knee to knee, eye to eye, heart to heart, hand in hand. I have a few things to say to you dear friend. Get closer. We've gotta talk. Create inner space for yourself. I know that so many things have to be attended to. There are lists upon lists that have doctors notes, lab results, housekeeping chores, and medications to refi...