Hep C Thrush Treatment
Hep C Thrush Treatment for Dry Mouth and Sores is the Miracle Mouth Wash. Eating soft, bland foods helps, but if you have metallic taste, lemon water and popsicles may taste better. Mouth sores make it hard to eat while on hep c treatment Hepatitis C Treatment is an anti-viral treatment, but some of the side effects are a lot like chemotherapy. The powerful drugs target the Hep C Virus, but like chemotherapy, they also cause problems in other parts of your body. You know about the side effects of nausea, hair loss, fever, aches and pains. Another area that you may experience side effects is in your mouth. I have covered teeth and gum problems, but the Thrush, dry mouth, and canker sores get a blog all of their own. You are probably wondering if I had every side effect. Yes I think I did . At the time I had to wonder why. But now that I have survived, I think that maybe it was so that I could pass on my handy dandy Hep C Tools to my Best Friends. Some of the sym...