A Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis

A Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis

Karen:) ihelpc hepatitis cirrhosis
I have a lesson plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis
Most teachers enjoy the lazy days of summer. I am no exception. However, lesson plans do get spruced up during my summer break. It makes for a more interesting school day for me to present the same material in a new way when fall comes. As a result, my students benefit from my efforts because the delivery is a bit more passionate when I add new material or take away something that is less effective. Life is like that. Everything is a lesson if we allow it to be. It does not matter if it is old information from a different perspective or new information seen from a creative viewpoint. That is true no matter who is doing the learning. We are all lifelong learners, aren’t we?   Let's look at a Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis.  I can promise it will not be too boring. I hate boring school lessons.
To be honest, I was a good student and loved school as a little girl. High school was more of a dud for me. The teachers bored me. I did not pay very good attention in class. I blew off important assignments. I had health issues and got behind. That was discouraging. You know how it goes. I was a typical teen whose main purpose in attending school was to have fun with my friends.
Students of life are no different.  We start off curious and eager to learn. Then the lessons get hard. Decisions beyond our control, like a health crisis, a move, or a divorce in the family can mean that we get behind. It is hard to catch up. A wrong choice gets us off track. We keep going and trying to fit in. Some of us get help. Some copy from others. Some give up and drop out.
In an attempt to understand more about recovery from Hepatitis C treatment and the ongoing battle with cirrhosis, I have decided to do a lesson plan revamp on myself. I have learned so much the last 3 years about me, Hep C, and Cirrhosis. Technology has entered my life in a whole new way with the website, blog, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Blogger. All of this information floats about in my head. It has to be doing the same thing in your brain too. I think it would cool to try and nail down what we have learned.
I have been wrestling with thoughts regarding my life lesson plan revamp. When I have a lot to think about, I make lists. The list includes home, family, work, The Best Friends Guide, and most importantly – the ME list. Every morning when I look at my list, I arrange the priorities. Without my lists, I can waste time and all of the ideas that I thought about get lost in the shuffle. Of course, brain fog makes it a wee bit harder.  Gotta have those naps on my list. I know for sure you understand.
Those lists are actually goals that I set. Some include home projects, like painting a room. Other goals are harder to pin down. Things like healing my relationships after Hep C treatment are a bit more vague. Researching post treatment, long term side effects, ascites, portal hypertension, hepatitic encephalopathy, varices, addictions, foods to avoid, foods to eat, transplants, Social Security, and on goes our list of things we need to know to stay alive!  I like to set a goal that includes reading and improving my current situation. It requires a lot of discipline. I am really good at making lists and setting goals. I look at those lists every morning and then check on them again before I go to bed.
learn hepatitis c cirrhosis
Questions! I have questions that my Dr can't answer. Like what next? I hoped to live and get the undetected from treatment. Now I need to stay alive! A lot of the goal-setting in my lists serve as a way to answer the questions that I have about life. Not only my life, but YOUR life too.
How can we organize our thoughts to integrate all of our ideas and information that we need to live our best life?
How can we apply what we have learned about Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis to our personal and family life? How does it affect our finances and work related situations?
How do we go about disciplining ourselves in the areas of diet and exercise?
What about medical treatments and procedures and our Allied Health Team of doctors, nurses, and specialists?
I have questions about how this changed my life. Before treatment I just hoped to live and get the undetected. I have to stop and take a breath. Do you see what I mean? Can you identify? I am not alone here, right?
Update: I wrote this on June 29th and started a series of blogs relating to it. Other things took my attention. Life got in the way. I am determined to continue it in spite of life’s struggles and set- backs. Like you, I have been given a second chance at life. I want us ALL to find purpose and meaning in what we are going though.
We have become Best Friends in this journey. I am determined to make sure that my life counts for something. I know that the same desire is in you. If you want something more from life, and you have made a decision to use the gifts and talents that you were given, let’s get real with it. Be on the lookout for some of my thoughts in this area. I don't have all the answers and am prepared to keep learning from you and with you.
I do have a Lesson Plan for Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis. If you are too tired to think about it, then just stick by the rest of us while we work it out. Best friend’s do stick together. I’m here for you, and together we can dream big and plan a bright future. All of this has to count for something, right?  Love from your friend, xo Karen:)

What Next? Let's find out!

pics via Karen's classroom just starting treatment, quopics, keep calm


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