What Foods to Avoid with Hepatitis C and Liver

I think we know that a greasy, high sugar diet is not good for anyone. But are there certain foods that will make you sick? I cover that in my section on treatment. Read this for more about diet and treatment. But we also need to know what foods to avoid when living with Hepatitis C and liver disease. You are smart to be doing some research though. I spent hours compiling lists and now I am sharing it with you - my best friends.
Hepatitis C or any liver disease inflames and damages the liver .  Some foods help the liver and some create more damage. Many people with Hepatitis C or Cirrhosis have fatty liver and NASH as well. Diabetes can also become a problem. But by taking control of your fork (or fingers) you can restore your liver.
The damage may be reversed allowing you to live a long and healthy life.
Sound crazy? Well, you now know a woman who had End Stage Liver Disease and a decompensated liver. Three years ago, they did not give me a snowball’s chance in hell to live. I researched sugars, fats, shellfish, and grapefruit diet. I listened to my doctor and the nutritionist and here I am: Ready to tell you all about what foods to avoid with Hepatitis C and Liver disease. Remember, these are foods to avoid. 
Saturated fats are the ones that can clog your arteries. Fat is what carries the flavor in our foods and makes them taste good. Just be sure to choose the right kind of fat!
Sat Fats
Cookies, potato chips, and crackers are all made with sat fats. Microwave popcorn, some granola bars, twinkies, snack cakes, boxed dinner mixes
Sinful Sugars
Splenda, Nutrasweet, and Equal, pop, white sugar, snack cakes and boxed mixes.
Strange stuff that I avoid
Imported and or uncooked shellfish like shrimp may have bacteria, canned tuna (eat it a few times a month), unpeeled root vegetables like potatoes and carrots that are not organic are the main ones.  Grapefruit is to be avoided because it can interfere with absorption of medicines.
Most people go to the same sections of the grocery store. They have done research. We just tend to buy the same things over and over. Read your label. These food manufacturers are tricky. They make you think you are eating healthy when you are not!  It is simple to limit the amount of sat fats that you eat. If you have liver disease, really limit the amount you eat. Your body makes enough fat on its’ own. If you eat a diet of good fats, you will get the essential fatty acids that you need to be healthy.
Sugars are tough.  Just because it is organic does not mean you can eat as much as you want.

The same goes for fruits. They are an important part of a healthy diet. Just be sure that you eat smaller portions throughout the day so that your liver can process them. Remember, fruits have sugar also! Too much fruit can lead to hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, or even diabetes. Your poor liver just cannot handle the burden.
Most processed foods and sweets are made with sugar. I like an occasional donut or piece of cake. I do not eat them every day. 
Stevia is a safe one. 

 Use moderation. If you can manage to avoid eating large amounts of the above listed items, you are doing good. Your doctor will be proud of you! Your liver will love you. And you will live longer. You can heal.
Let’s work on this... Your best friend, Karen:)


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