Moving Right Along After Liver Transplant

Moving Right Along It has been so long since I posted that I don’t know where to begin. Changes! A lot of changes happened in the last 12 months. It seems as if I am a totally different person than I was last September. But here I am in the middle of Now with the wisdom that comes from shifting and adjusting… and the joy. Always gratitude and joy. The Loss My sister’s unexpected death was like falling into a giant crater. I feel the reverb every day. Losing some of my Hepatitis C family caused even greater shakes along the emotional fault line that was created by liver disease. Then my father-in-law passed. It was a peaceful home-going surrounded by a close-knit family. Frequent visits were a blessing. His love and legacy live on. Our siblings quickly shifted to fill the gaps… and we are guiding each other into the next stage of life. The Pain During this time, I was going to yoga school and dealing with that post tibial tendon issue. It morphed into something el...