Ultrasound on Your Liver can Save Your Life
Dopplar Ultrasound on Your Liver can find cysts, tumors, and keep you from vomiting blood if you have esophageal varices from portal hypertension. The ultrasound may be one of the first diagnostic procedures that your doctor performs after you are diagnosed with cirrhosis, whether from Hepatitis C or any other condition. An ultrasound shows the size, condition, and the shape of your liver, spleen, gall bladder, and other organs. It is a quick way to look for tumors too. It also shows the direction that your blood is flowing. This is important in diagnosing portal valve hypertension. It goes quickly, but can give your doctor a lot of imformation.
One of the reasons that I like this test is because I can stay awake, and it is fast and painless. One of the things that I do NOT like is that is can show that my portal vein in my liver is blocked. I am having one done tomorrow. I'm being brave, but I'm also talking your head off about it!
I like to say it though. Dopplar Sonography just sounds cool. It sounds like a term that an Oklahoma weatherman might use. During a severe weather alert, the television shows pictures of the sweeping radar. The multi-colored images reveal exactly what is happening inside the clouds. Green means rain, yellow is heavier rain. The red images are what we pay attention to though. It means a cloud contains the stuff that tornados are made of. If the red dot is over your area, hold on for high winds and hail. When it is shaped like a little hook, it is time to hit the ‘fraidy hole. When you live in Tornado Alley, you know Doppler. Doppler measure velocity.
When my transplant doctor, hepatologist, or whoever asks for a Dopplar of my abdomen, I show up. They do not want you to have food after midnight the night before. If you have eaten, tell the tech because your gall bladder and other organs looks very different. If the vein flow is red, that means the blood is going into and through your liver in the southward bound direction. (I am sounding like a weatherman now) Flowing south is perfect! If it is blue, then the blood is flowing back up toward your stomach, esophagus, and heart. Run for cover!
- This patient had a tips or shunt due to portal vein blockage
It is a quick procedure. You may wear a little peek a boo gown. Sometimes they let you keep on your loose fitting clothes. One time I had my panties on sideways. Don't ask. It was a rough morning. I felt all down about it and decided to go with the lacy little thing. I know the tech thought I was a stripper in my real life. Anyhow.... The screen is at an angle where you can see it if you crane your neck. You know I do.
The tech lays lifts your gown or shirt and begins runs their gadget along your ribcage. It is not uncomfortable. But I am taking shallow breaths and my mind is racing. It’s like they know you are tense. They tell you how and when to breath. On command, I hold my breath and let it out, turn to the left and then the right. All the while the little gadget is skating around on a sticky gel all over my abdomen. You will hear continuous clicking sounds as pictures are being taken and measurements are being recorded. I usually talk nonstop asking questions about their education. How did they get into this line of work? It's like I'm interviewing them for the job. Sheesh.
You learn a lot from Doppler Ultrasound on your liver
1. The condition of my liver – An ultrasound shows the general size and shape of the liver. Fibrous bands, cysts, tumors and other abnormalities are all investigated.
2. The size of my spleen – If the liver cannot do its’ job well, the spleen takes over and can become enlarged.
3. The portal vein system – When the vein becomes constricted by scarring in the form of fibrous bands, it creates a blockage. The blood backs up and creates varices as I have described before.
After the procedure is finished, the radiologist writes a report to send to your gastroenterologist, hepatologist, or transplant doctor. You should always ask for a copy! You may have to have further tests done if they find anything.
If you have a Dopplar Ultrasound on Your Liver, you will know what to expect.It is important that we share our stories and information to help each other through the storm of Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis. If you lived near me and a storm hit, I would invite you to my basement. At the Best Friends Guide, we hunker down together. xoxo, Karen:)
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