
Showing posts from 2018

Shoulder Strength and Stretch Yoga video

Keeping shoulder strength and stretch yoga helps to reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation. You will notice a difference from head to toe within a week of doing this daily. It’s a short therapy with good results. Follow my journey post transplant and chemotherapy for liver cancer. I’m rebuilding my body, and YOU can too.  #shoulder #back #youtube #yoga #sciatic #nerve #do #don't #cancer #transplant #liver #chair #dowager #hump #easy #beginner #stretch #disability #hip #arm #shoulder #pain #stiff #relax #restore #surgery #rehab #physicaltherapy #pain 

Sciatic Stretch Child's Pose Part 2

Healing the sciatic nerve takes time and patience. Strengthen the right muscles and fix the imbalance in your body. Follow me for help. I'm dong this! #sciatic #muscle #stretch #pain #therapy #natural

Sciatic Stretch Child's Pose Part 1

Surgery is always the last option when living with sciatic pain. You can begin to heal that area by learning some do's and don'ts first. Then begin gentle stretching. Patience is key here in helping to mobilize the lower back. Follow me for help. xo #yoga #sciatic #lower #back #relief #natural #stretch #works

*** LOWER BACK PAIN MORNING HELP *** Stretch Relief for sciatica too


#Autoimmune Hour: How Far Are You Willing To Go ... To Live? with Karen ...


#Autoimmune Hour: How Far Are You Willing To Go ... To Live? with Karen ...


Help for bruising with NASH Fatty PBC or any Liver Disease

Help for bruising with NASH fatty PBC or any liver disease. Can Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis cause Bruising? The answer is YES.  I love summertime in my neck of the woods. Oklahoman’s are used to high heat and humidity. Most of us wear lightweight clothing and barely there shoes during the hot months. For me, that means a sleeveless shirt, cotton dress, or shorts with flip flops. It is a matter of survival this time of year. The downside to that is the bruises that dot my legs and arms. It is so unattractive! Your Best Friend with cirrhosis has a few tricks up her sleeve to help you out. It is important to know the causes and also  a little treatment that can help a bruise to fade quicker . Don’t you know by now that I will try anything to minimize the effects of the Hepatitis C Virus and the damage it causes? And I share it with my Besties. I am sure that many of you noticed that you bruise easily – probably for years and did not know why. Bruising  can happen durin...

Best Juicing for Liver Disease Detox

Best Juicing for Hepatitis C Liver  – CAB or carrot apple beet is my fave! Ginger will spice it up. J uicing fruits and vegetables is a great way to help your liver!  There is nothing like drinking a wonderful glass of goodness that is freshly made from your own kitchen.    So where do you start? All you need is a juicer, fresh produce, and a routine that makes it easy. I f it is quick and easy, you will be more likely to consistently prepare juices as part of your liver loving lifestyle. The best juicing for liver disease detox is NOT a store bought bottle of herbs.  I’ve written a $4.99 ebook that helps you understand your stage of liver disease and how to best organize your kitchen. Over 300 pages of insider info helps you keep it easy and light while your liver heals.  Click here to learn more When you start juicing you will probably think about  time, cost, and nutrition.  Or you may be thinking about taste. The juices I make a...
Best Friends Start Here on your road to wellness. Simply Click on the title of any topic you need.  If you have Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis, Cancer, or Liver Disease – Make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything.  Go to  C heck out the  Youtube Channel  too!  Just click HERE to read all of these blogs at   Pour a cup of coffee – Help yourself to the fridge. Start Here Best Friends Guide to Hepatitis C Diagnosis of Hep C – What Next? When You Don’t Look Sick With Hepatitis C Five Reasons to Smile How Long with Hepatitis C and Cirrh osis Liver Health and Cirrhosis Emergency Room Diagnosis Taking Care of Your Kidneys Hepatic Encephalopathy Causes Symptoms Treatment Healing Your Fatty Liver Eating Before Liver Tests Hepatic Encephalopathy Bruising with Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis Is Protein is Good for Your Liver? Plant vs Animal Protein Your Liver is a Hard Wor...

All Shook Up with PTSD from Liver Disease

After being sick with cirrhosis, going through treatment for Hepatitis C, liver cancer, transplant, and ALL THAT STUFF, I can feel a bit off sometimes. Physically, my hands and heart tremble like little tiny earthquakes are going off inside me. Mentally… yeah, I kind of quiver there too. It doesn’t take much to get it started either. Sometimes, I wake up with a frightening feeling – like the door to my house is open. I’ve gotten up and checked often enough that I don’t even bother any more. I know that my safety is assured. It’s something like feeling unsafe, but not quite….. I can’t always put my finger on it. It’s like I’m all shook up with PTSD from liver disease. All shook up with PTSD from liver disease As my  cirrhosis got worse , so did the HE. With  hepatic encephalopathy , we start to experience a lot of feelings – and can also think the same thoughts  over and over . This energy, or shakiness, can be pointed in many directions. You may turn it  inwa...